Sunday, October 31, 2010

Six Sentence Sunday 10/31/2010

This piece is an excerpt from the short story BLADE AND BURN.  I wrote this piece a few years ago for the Blood Lust anthology.

He did not budge and he stayed put until I gave him an answer. His dark tongue played with his sharp eyetooth and soon, right before my very eyes he pierced the fleshy muscle. The richest, most colorful crimson droplets spilled from the self-inflicted wound and for extra effect, he slid the blood lined tip of his tongue across his black lips. The exquisite shimmer of the liquid that sustained his life softened me up towards him. A sense of exhilaration flowed through me because Riggan hinted to me that he understood the burning hunger in me to walk in the shadow of death.

Yes, I wanted to walk that very path along side him.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Six Sentence Sunday

This is a piece that is currently being considered by a publisher.  It's from my paranormal series.  I am very excited about it.
“Which of me do I choose?”  Chloe pressed her soft hand against the cool window.  The condensation outlined her hand; small bursts of coloured liquid framed the window.  She caught a glimpse of her reflection and gasped.  Swirls of energy danced together in the large space between them, just like she had seen before in her dreams.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Six Sentence Sunday 10/03/2010

Here is an excerpt from a short story I wrote that was published several years ago.

Slowly, with such nervousness and dread, I turned to look.  In the doorway, my uncle’s compadre Rafael leaned against the wooden frame with his arms crossed.  Blood rushed to my face and I tried to turn away, but I could not.  I scanned the configuration of his entire body and there wasn’t a single flaw.  His hair was black and the color of his skin bordered along the lines of mocha.  His lips were full and I knew that if they ever grazed along the surface of my skin, I would lose all sense of space and time.